Small Business Scoring Service
The FICO SBSS (Small Business Scoring Service) score is a business credit score issued by FICO to give lenders a more accurate way of determining the risk of business credit applicants. It brings different credit scoring criteria together into one and is calculated as lenders want it to be calculated. Your FICO SBSS score may differ among lenders because the information is customized to each lender’s standard of criteria.
scores ranging from 0 to 300
high FICO SBSS score
SBSS, with scores ranging from 0 to 300, takes both consumer (personal) AND commercial (business) credit into account. Most lenders give more weight to business credit, so without business credit, you can’t even get a SBSS score. You need to establish and maintain business credit with Equifax, Experian, and Dun & Bradstreet. With a high business credit score, you have the best chance for a high FICO SBSS score. The better your consumer and business credit scores are, the higher the SBSS score will be.
SBA lenders
SBA lenders, which offer the longest-term financing with the lowest rates and payments, require at least a score of 140-160 to qualify for their programs. Knowing and controlling the score will help you maximize your business’s fundability, which ensures business growth and success.
business credit
Be sure to consider other factors that affect and drive business credit, such as length of time in business, number of employees, and profit and kind of revenue the business generates. Collections, lawsuits, and judgments on public records will have deleterious effects on your credit.
credit portfolios
By building solid personal and business credit portfolios, you can attain an excellent FICO SBSS score, which will afford your business many more funding opportunities, especially when utilizing traditional lenders such as SBA.